Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

TODAY'S SPECIAL: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

TO CHEW ON: To everything there is a season
A time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

Every year-end (in time for Christmas) I sit down and compose a family newsletter. In that letter I sum up, for family and friends, the news - the births, deaths, accidents, reunions, special birthdays, challenges, victories, even the defeats - of the year just ending. For me it has become a type of family archive. You probably do something similar.

A few weeks later a new year begins. I put up crisp, unsullied calendars and wonder what appointments, events and commitments will soon fill those daily boxes.

These two life routines, coming so close together, are a picture of our life here on earth. Our days, as we look back on them, contain the variety of the list in Ecclesiastes 3: birth and death, planting and harvest, destruction and building, weeping and laughter, funerals and parties ... As we put up our new calendars, we know that they will soon be filled with more of the same. How can we bear to face a future that is bound to have things like accidents, disease, failure - even death in it?

We can face it because God is behind the scenes and at our side. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 NKJV

As you face the things that cross your path in the new year - both good and bad - never forget that God knows, sees and cares. He transforms even the bad into something good. You can face 2010 with hope and optimism.


PRAYER: Lord, as I enter 2010, I give the new year to You. Please make beautiful  good things out of the next 365 days. Amen

MORE: January 1st is Holy Name Day in the Church Year. It is a celebration the day Mary and Joseph named their little son "Jesus."  Enjoy the liturgy written for this day. It includes a list of the wonderful names Jesus is called in the Bible.


  1. Violet, thank you for a wealth of devotional food this morning! I took time to follow the links to Bible Gateway for the full reading and to the Godspace blog for that beautiful liturgy.

    I'll definitely be signing up for the daily emails so I don't miss anything. I think the way they work is that readers can still click all the links through the email... so we won't miss anything.

    Blessings today, and a happy new year!

  2. Thank you so much for reading, Joanna. And thanks for the tips about making links open in a new window. I've modified my code now so that they do. You're a genius!

    Happy New Year to you too!!

  3. I am reading this on the second of January. Already one death to greet the new year. Ecc.3:11 spoke to me. Thank you.

  4. Darlene, so sorry to hear that. {{{Hugs}}} to you today.


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