Saturday, February 27, 2016

Consider the benefits

This 'memory aid' hangs in our living room. It was made by Christians in Vietnam, many of whom have been persecuted for their faith.  

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Psalm 103:1-22

TO CHEW ON: “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits.” Psalm 103:1-2

Do you sometimes awaken in the morning besieged by first thoughts of uneasiness, foreboding, dread? I must admit that even in smooth stretches of my life, this is my experience way too often. One of the best ways to dispel this anxious fog is to do just what our verses today say: “Bless the Lord and think on His benefits.”

David lists many of them in this passage:
  • He forgives our sin. Can you imagine how heavy life would feel if you had to live it under the guilt of the wrong things you had done?
  • He heals our physical diseases. Not only has He designed our bodies to rejuvenate themselves but over the years people have made all kinds of discoveries about the body and healing so that nowadays there is a pill for practically everything. And He is also the God who can heal miraculously.
  • He satisfies our mouths with good thing so that we have the strength to carry on. I think this means more than just good physical food. I take it to mean a supply of good things mentally and spiritually, so that we have renewed energy for life and work.
  • He knows our human vulnerabilities, deals with us like a sympathetic father.

Now add to that list of benefits your own personal list. Here are some items that come to mind:
  • A wonderful husband and family.
  • Citizenship in Canada – a nation of freedom and peace.
  • A beautiful, comfortable home.
  • A church where I am challenged and where I have a place to serve.
… I could go on and on, but I’m sure you get the idea.

Whatever your life situation today, spend some time remembering “all His benefits.” It will lift you up in ways that nothing else can.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for who You are and all Your benefits to me. Help me to live within an atmosphere of remembrance and thankfulness today.

MORE: Memory aids
God instituted many physical and dramatic aids to help us remember Him and what He has done for us.

- The Israelites were to celebrate the Passover as a remembrance of their delivery from Egypt.

- The High Priest had stones inlaid on the shoulders of his his ephod as a remembrance of each tribe in Israel.

- The people were to put fringes on their clothes to remind them of God's commandments.

- We celebrate the Lords Supper to remember Jesus death.

- Moses instructed Israelite parents to attach God’s word to their bodies (the first salvation jewelry?) and write it on the doorposts and gates of their houses.

Do you wear things or decorate your house with any aids that help you remember God and His benefits to you?

Unless otherwise noted all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


  1. Memory aids... right now it's just a few Scriptures scattered around the house, but you've got me thinking, Violet. For me, familiarity means I stop seeing things, so perhaps I need to intentionally create memory aids on a monthly/quarterly basis.

    There was one time when finances were really tight that I kept a pretty glass container, with a bit of oil in the bottom, on our dining room table to remind me of the widow in the Old Testament whose oil and flour didn't run out during the famine. It helped.

  2. I love your oil idea! And I also like the thought of changing the reminders to keep my attention. I'm like you - after a while I don't notice my 'props' any more.


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