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Creation of Light - Artist unknown |
TO CHEW ON: "Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light." Genesis 1:3
After reading this first chapter of Genesis tens of times, it finally sunk in, recently, that God created light before He created the light-givers: sun, moon, and stars. In fact, light was the first created thing. Perhaps it should not surprise us, then, to see that God is frequently associated with LIGHT.
He is the creator of the physical light-makers in our sky (Genesis 1:17) from whose properties and activities, I think we could argue (though I'm no scientist) come all the other light sources—lightning, electricity, lightning bugs…
Light often characterizes God-generated supernatural activities.
- When the Israelites were pursued by the Egyptians, the cloud by which God led them was a light to them, to help them across the Red Sea (Exodus 14:20).
- Angel visits were sometimes accompanied by light. The "glory of the Lord" shone around the shepherds when they angels told them of Jesus' birth (Luke 2:9). Peter was sprung from prison by an angel whose presence was a "bright light" (Acts 12:7).
The writers of the Bible's psalms and praise songs often referred to God in relation to light.
- "The Lord is my light and my salvation" - Psalm 27:1.
- "In Your light we see light" - Psalm 36:9.
- "For the Lord God is a sun and shield" - Psalm 84:11.
- "You cover Yourself with light as with a garment" - Psalm 104:2.
Light surrounds the life and ministry of Jesus.
- Old Testament prophecies we believe were fulfilled by His coming make many references to light - Numbers 24:17; Isaiah 9:2; 60:3; Malachi 4:2.
- John the Baptist referring to One coming after Him, talked of "witnessing to the Light" - John 1:7-9.
Now we, as believers in Jesus, His disciples, followers, children, are possessors of that light - John 8:12.
- We inherit that light - Ephesians 5:8; Philippians 2:15.
- We distribute that light - Matthew 5:14.
In this season of short days and long dark nights (at least where I live), let's thank God for light of all kinds—the physical and the spiritual—which will culminate, one day, in a place where there is no more need for the sun, moon and stars, but God will be our sole source of light - Revelation 22:5; 1 John 1:3.
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for physical light, the light of mental understanding, but most of all for the spiritual light that overcomes sin and all the darkness that descended on the world and in us as a result. Amen.
Unless otherwise noted all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.